Lake Benalla Walking Track

Benalla is a small city located on the Broken River gateway to the High-Country north-eastern region of Victoria, Australia. The ‘Pathways to the Future’ Project investigated Benalla’s current foot and cycle path infrastructure and assessed the community’s needs into the future. The Project enabled the community to develop a set of priorities to improve connectivity of the network and the safety of the community, along with analysing the use of the town’s recreational spaces.

Along Lake Benalla’s tranquil 4.25 kilometre track you will find diverse and picturesque landscapes including exquisitely manicured botanical gardens, remnant river red gum forest, an indigenous community garden and Jaycee Island with its magnificent towering Moreton Bay figs and exotic Bunya Bunya pines. This pathway required a luminaire that would effectively illuminate the pathway at a low mounting height while minimising glare due to the extensive tree coverage.

BEGA 77208 Pole Top Luminaire was selected as it performed incredibly well at these low mounting heights. It also provided us great flexibility in adjusting the mounting angle of the reflector to direct it onto the path where needed due to the changing width of the pathway.

Project Details:

End-User City of Benalla
Lighting Designer Middy’s Benalla
Photography Darren Asquith

Used Products:

Pole Top Luminaire

Pole Top Luminaire



Inspired Light

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